Sunday, January 31, 2010

What Happens After Rotor Cuff Operation HelloI Am A 65 Year Old Female, Diagnosed With Torn Rotor Cuff , What Happens If You Never Have Surgery?

HelloI am a 65 year old female, diagnosed with torn rotor cuff , what happens if you never have surgery? - what happens after rotor cuff operation

You may need a knee replacement, which would be longer than 1 year, if the shoulder is not ... What happens if I do not
to do? Already painkiller pills, sugar cane


makinroa... said...

The anti-pain pills are a life-long monkey on his back, which can be a gorilla for £ 400 again, the best time for surgery the day before to prepare for, is, my doctor told me that one would I recommend to speak to the world the first cause of the knee to anyone who has to say they wished they had, years ago, not too many negative things about the knee surgery I know that a little shoulder surgery, but some also. I had plastic surgery or on the back and neck before killing himself, who has something that is achieved not bad, but it hurts still, but never before, and pills for the pain I know many people addicted to UM.

brian said...

First you need to get a second opinion to see whether an operation is necessary to obtain. If the doctors say you need surgery, they say, because I feel that, if left alone, if the rotor does not heal heal cuff, they are wrong. If not healed, the increase of pain has become a problem. It could begin to affect the rest of his body in an attempt to restore balance. If not properly cured, it is likely that you lose the movement in this area of the body and can also pain problems.
Although surgery is always scary, very safe, as minor surgery. The greatest danger is using an allergic reaction to anesthesia, and in about 1 occurs at 100,000 operations.

transman... said...

I had knee problems was 36 years old, torn since 1987 (at the time) after a right anterior cruciate ligament and surgery. In 1989 I started with no problems with my knee injury. My orthopedic surgeon told me he had a condition known as chondromalacia grade IV after surgery and told me I needed knee replacement surgery. I went to another specialist for a second opinion. He said he would probably never have total knee replacement if I have a bike / exercise bike ride for 20 to 30 minutes per day. My knees began to get much better. Then he broke the cartilage / meniscus in his right knee in 1994 and eventually operated on. This is 2008 and I am 57 in August and did not have total knee replacement. They have occasional pain and swelling, but with Tylenol and ice packs and are sometimes required to wear a brace or cane for support, but hopefully I can go another 21 years w / o Total knee. I have about 45 pounds. and it helped me tremendously! In 2000 he suffered a torn muscle mass in the right shoulder and a detachable partCuff in his left shoulder. I have not had surgery for them and healed some time. I have my limits, but you can still enjoy the garden and other light physical activity. If pain from time to time I take paracetamol, use a heating pad and apply analgesic muscle rub shoulders. I also have constant neck and back injuries from a car accident in 1991, although I personally see no reason for me to have the knee and shoulder surgery. I tend to lean to conservative treatment versus surgery. If I only had torn rotator cuff and was younger, then the operation stops to be more active, but I also have many other physical problems. In your case, and his time, I think surgery would be a matter of personal choice and the activity that you want. (My father broke his rotator cuff when he 70 years, but never had surgery and stayed active.)

Mary said...

You can use a chiropractor and actupuncturist speak before the surgery .. Spare last few years after his return after surgery for the replacement of more .. ask yourself if you want to go through this operation again at 8 or 10 years .. try to save to the factory settings, if you can!

lfelpsti... said...

Oh dear, sorry! I see no reason to undergo a major surgery ... could achieve, where you will not be able to move the arm very well. Scar tissue can form when it comes to heal and never is good. I would try to shoulder surgery first, if possible.

guitarma... said...

You will never be able to start a game. You do not want to pitch again? You do not want to go and throw his fastball and curve?

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